Pool Cleaning
Platinum Pool Centre provide a range reliable quality pool cleaning services to help our clients concentrate on more important things.......like who's going to order uber eats!
Our experienced service technicians are prompt and reliable and provide good old fashion service with a smile. Unlike other service companies our technicians are required to carryout less services in a day to maintain our high service quality and reputation. With over 400 regular pool services performed a month we are rapidly growing into a pool cleaning powerhouse on the Gold Coast.

Our 4 Weekly Platinum Pool Service is by far our most popular regular mobile pool cleaning service we provide which includes the full service.........and we keep it professional. This means you won't see any thongs, boardies or stubbies when we arrive to do the job.
Without going down in history as the most un Australian pool cleaning company in the country you might just be lucky enough to see us removing the odd brown snake from a skimmer box, wrestling a water dragon or giving a platypus mouth to mouth! (well maybe not the last one). But you get the gist!
So If your in the market for a reliable regular pool service you know what to do..........Either call us, email us or drop in the shop for a chin wag.
No matter which way you get in touch we've never been more ready.